Small paper Hummingbird in a artist hand, made using 3D paper cutting techniques. Photo by: Cheong Ah Hwang

In this beautifully executed concept, we see a self-portrait of an 18-year-old artist from Cambridge. The mirror illusion was achieved in post-production using Photoshop with the idea of being ‘invisible’ or ‘transparent’. Photo by: Laura Williams

Making art on a beach. “Working with this medium, there is no mess to clean up, nothing to put away or store. The ocean prepares a fresh canvas daily” artist said. Photo by: Andres Amador

Mind blowing 3D drawing on flat sheet of paper. Photo by: Ramon Bruin

Hyper-realistic 3D octopus painting. Photo by: Keng Lye

Amazing mural by street artist Os Gemos and Blu, located in Lisbon, Portugal. Photo by: Os Gemeos

Pixelated water at streets of New York. Photo by: Benjamin Norman

“Improving the urban landscape one stich at a time.” is a slogan of “Yarn Bombing” culture. Photo by: B-Arbeiten

Motorcycle made from basket weave. Photo by: unknown

Giant wooden clothespin installed in park in Belgium. Photo by: Mehmet Ali Uysal

China’s invisible man, Liu Bolin, blends into the background. Since 2005 Liu has performed his stunning invisibility act worldwide. Photo by: Liu Bolin

Body paint illusion: there are five people on this photo posing as a tropical frog. Photo by: Kieran Vollard